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Fruity Cherry Heart
Hai Hai Hai..Awak2 sume..dah datang, jangan lupe tinggal komen yeee..Nanti saya jejak anda balik..TQ ;)

Friday, October 2, 2015


Just wanna to say hi..


K byeee

Monday, May 18, 2015

Malaysian Biomedical Symposium

Hai readers...

Hari ni nk cakap pasal Symposium.. Seriously.. Tahu ke apa Symposium?

Symposium ni tempat orang2 sains nak bentangkan Research yg dorang buat..

Menarikkan? ;-)

Last weekend saya terjoin la symposium ni..hehe.. Bukan 'ter' sebenarnya.. Memang dah plan sejak Year 1 nak pi symposium time 3rd year.. Alhamdulillah tercapai and ada rezeki pergi sana..

Interesting sangat.. Most of the research were awesome and inspiring for my future FYP.. #tahun depan kot :-S

And.. Paling terharu... Depa cakap la yg we a a scientist must be proud of ourselves..  Because of us,  the people found the cure for the disease..

Harap tahun depan dapat buat Research yg dapat membantu orang ramai la..

Wish me luck korang :-*

Tip of the day :
Bersihkan perut setiap hari dengan mengaktifkannya dengan meminum paling kurang secawan air kosong selepas bangun tidur.. 

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Kawan sekolah

Well well well..

Tajuk hari ni kawan sekolah..
Kawan sekolah rendah, kawan sekolah menengah.. Huu.. Semuanya memang nostalgia..

Tapi.. Perlu ke cari balik kawan sekolah yg lain jantina kan.. Lepas dah 4 5 tahun krik3..takkan saja2 kan..

Heh.. Mesti ada kisah nostalgia punye..
Haih.. Post ni kes jeles la ni..

Eh.. Tak jeles sgt kot.. Mungkin more on precautions.. HAHA

Ceyhh.. Malaih nak pikiaq..

Dah la.. Korang tak payah rajin kot baca post ni.. Post tak dak manfaat pun ni :3


Tip: kalau tak nak fail,  study la biar faham.. :-P

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Tip turunkan berat badan

Turunkan berat badan dengan hanya minum air..


Serbuk kayu manis


Air putih 250 ml

Cara buat :
Campurkan air putih suam dengan serbuk kayu manis dan madu dengan nisbah 1:2..

##Tunggu air sejuk dulu baru tambah madu..

Minum air 2x sehari.. Sebelum sarapan dan sebelum tidur.. Semasa perut kosong..

InsyaAllah nanti berat turun :)

The worst paper ever sem 6

The title :'(
Told everything..

Ohh..Alaah je taw perasaan sekarang mcm mana..

Tadi baru lepas Second test for advance immunology..
And the question.. Senang gilerr Cadbury :-S sampai sangkut2 nak jawab..


Yang lepas, biar la lepas kan..
Harap lulus test 2 tu :'(

Life moves on..

Saje je nak tulis post ni..
Nak luahkan perasaan.. Stress kot. Pikiaq..

Baru plan nk naikkan pointer balik sem ni.. Tp takde la setinggi point Ahmad Mas### kite :-S

Hope to have something good for this sem :-*

Last sentence ...

Keep calm and study for future...  <3

Friday, May 8, 2015


Oh God...Ya Allah...Alhamdulillah..

Akhirnya lepas juga Discussion bg topik supplement ni.. ;-)

Gagap weh.. Haha.. Serious...

So guy.. What do you think about the dietary supplement???

Well.. Actually.. Based on the discussion that I've have this afternoon.. There's bad and good sides of supplement, depends on why we taking those supplement..  :-o

Don't you know and realize that most of the people nowadays believed to everything that were told to them easily,  without checking the truth of the new that they heard??? :-S

Yap.. Most of us  trust everything they heard and dare to try everything that can make them beautiful.. Maigad :3

And..and..the worst thing is..lot of people spent more money on something that nonsense like supplement to keep them slim and younger and rich and so on and so forth..  #krik3

Dah la.. Malaih ah nak story panjang2..

The conclusion is.. Eat balance food and have healthy life style to stay fit for life..

The end..  #clap please..

Haih.. K la.. That's all peeps...

Jumpa lagi dalam lain episod..

-->Tip of the day :
     Use the stairs instead of lift to burn more calories and have ' hot ' body.. B-)

Monday, May 4, 2015

Hafal Quran

Salam 1Malaysia.. ni pun saja2 je..
Takdak modal nak post..

But, this evening I've read an article saying that..we can memorize Al-Quran when we heard the Quran during sleep time..


Rupanya masa kita tidur, jasad kita je berehat..otak kita tak pernah berehat..

Sebab tu kalau nak tidur, afdal kita baca doa sebelum tidur..

Haa..macam mana doa tidur??  :-S

Dalam bahasa Melayu: dengan nama Allah, aku hidup dan aku mati

Daripada doa tu kita dapat intipati la kan..bahawa kita hidup ni..sebab Allah.. Jangan biarkan walau seminit kita leka daripada Allah :'(  #diri ini masih lalai

Kita dah bertunang dengan kematian.. Tapi kenapa kita masih leka eh? #tepuk dada tanya iman..  :-(

Lastly,  lepass bangun tidur tu jangan lupa la baca doa..

Doa dalam bahasa Melayu: segala puji bagi Allah yg telah menghidupkan kami setelah mematikan kami dan hanya kepada Nya kita akan dikembalikan.. 

Huu..macam dah lari tajuk kan..

Just nak ajak reader blog ni je.. Jom hafal Quran sambil tidur.. InsyaAllah.. Kalau tak dapat banyak, kita dapat apa yang selayaknya ;-)

Kalau ada yang singgah, jangan lupa tinggal jejak tw.. Nti sy jejak balik kalian..

Salam zzzzzz :-D

Sunday, May 3, 2015

It's All About Manner >:)

Assalamualaikum n a very good..ermm..goodnight :-S

I don't want to write long..for this it's already midnight..

I like to observe and I think.. Most of people nowadays don't have a thing that we called manner.. 

I know you're great..have a big car..big house..big wife *opps*  but please.. Respect others as how you want to be respected.. #sorry for broken English..

Last word..

GOODNIGHT zzzzzzzz

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Post Baru

Huu..salam semua..

It's been long time not writing in this blog..since I meet a guy..whose like to stalk my blog :3

I almost delete this blog but it seems like Blogspot didn't allows me to do so..I've tried to delete this blog for a few times but it still there.. 😳😳 it's look like I'm still needed here..hoho..omg omg omg.. 😂 even when nobody was reading my blog ..😔😭😞 is a beginning of my new life..* hope so* I'm trying to adapt a few things to my daily i read from books..few tips to be more successful in this life and hereafter.. InsyaAllah 😊

And..I think..I'm gonna shared recipe in this blog..huu..the recipe that I've successfully done in my new kitchen 😙😎 I'll upgrade this blog into more professional blog *professional sangat*.. A blog that use proper's either Malay or English 😉 lol..not like my old which I'm using like a "gedik" language.. Maigad..if i can turn time back..I would re-write all my post in the past using proper language 😔 so sad when read my post in the ruin my languages is..

Lastly ..before ended this post..want to share a tip..

Tip of the day...
👉 To keep room clean, don't mess it up 😙😁😂😂😂 

Goodbye 👋 and have a nice day everyone 😚😘😍